Gummy Smile Uneven Gum Line Treatment

gum line treatment balwyn north

Having A Healthy & Beautiful Smile is Everyone’s Dream

I just can’t wait for people to see my smile!

Some people may have excessive gum tissue resulting in gummy smile. Reshaping of the gum tissue can be done usually in one visit.


Please call our friendly family dentist on 9859 3533 for an appointment today, our Indonesian dentist in Balwyn & Melbourne will be delighted to assist you.

Actual Case Examples

Case 1
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Before: This young lady had excess gum tissue with uneven gum line. The front teeth were also slightly crowded and worn.

After: We first did gum lift to remove excess gum and give gingival symmetry. Porcelain veneers were used to produce straighter and brighter teeth.

Case 2
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Case 3
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Case 4
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Please feel free to contact us!

We believe everyone is beautiful in some ways. Having a beautiful smile helps with your confidence, interaction with others and most importantly your happiness.